Saturday Night Studio – Vanilla Mood

I first discovered this band 5 or 6 years ago. Then forgot about them.

“Day By Day” with Yui on violin, Mariko on cello, Waka on flute, and Keiko on piano, although Emilee has apparently sat in for Waka at times.

It’s a catchy enough tune, kinda reminds me of the Corrs a little.

They did some more classical sounding pieces like this and this, and did a cover of Volare because apparently any non-rock band is required to play it, much like how federal law required all West Coast 70s bands to have Michael McDonald sing backup vocals on at least one track per album. Beatles covers work much the same way.

These pretty women* also included Roy Orbison in their cover catalog…

This one sounds like the intro to some late 60s/early 70s comedy-variety show –

And speaking of late 60s/early 70s American television –

* Hey, I don’t write the show, I just use what the program director gives me.

About nightskyradio

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Posted on October 10, 2015, in ♫ ♪ ♫, Fun Stuff and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Vanilla . . . nice!

    As far as I remember, I’ve never heard this ensemble. And I have a weakness for smartly but not sluttily attired Japanese ladies with musical instruments and monster chops.

    The 2nd song apparently goes back to the early 80s and was sung by Akiko Yano, backed by none other than YMO, the milestone techno fusion band. It was quite a thing at the time.
    (Looking that up, I found the above blog, a nice one.)

  1. Pingback: Double Bonus Sakamoto Night Studio – Akiko Yano | nightskyradio

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