Right On Time

As some of you know by now, Allamagoosa and I are going to be married. We met through Sunshine Mary, got a nudge or two* from 7man and CL, and from there the dominoes just kept falling over. So much so that it seemed like someone somewhere was planning it.

The joke between us is that we’re so, uh, unique that no one else could deal with us. This is a only-slightly-exaggerated example –

If you’re coming to the wedding, bring kevlar and a dessert.

*”Nudge” meaning “go for it, dumb@$$!”

About nightskyradio

Random signals from nowhere in particular.

Posted on May 1, 2013, in Life and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Man, am I out of the loop!


    Or, wait, because our connection is through the manosphere, I have to say the obligatory Dude . . .

    There was another romantic declaration between the Blog of Funny Names guy and a commenter at my place. Now I feel like an extra in a blockbuster Hollywood RomCom.

  2. I gotta say, your brooding loner creds took a serious hit. I suggest changing your blog name to Morning Sunshine Sprinkie WInkies.

  3. I believe my advice was, “Now don’t fuck it up!”

  4. I think my advice was “Don’t be tentative. Lead, pursue and find out.”

  5. Aww, congrats Nightsky! I love hearing about love-connections through the blogsphere! (manosphere?) Although I have to say, I think I liked reading through the comments for this one even more than the actual post! NSR and Wdydfae, you two should take your act on the road. You crack me up!

    And PS Wdydfae, you know you’ve already been moved up from “extra” to “Ned Ryerson” status in my movie 😉

  6. awesome comments and congrats to you (I can say congrats as I’m not a dude, right?). The blogosphere is a strange and amazing place for sure. Wishing you much happiness and I will be looking for your Morning Sprinkles and Gunfire Death blog.

  7. This really happened? Jaw-dropping, and great.

  8. Nightsky, we can have a virtual bach party over at my place. You bring the “hot mess” gallery and “bump and grind” Youtubes and most of the music. I’ll try not to play any wierd music on that thread, and I’ll try not to barf in the swimming pool–but I’m not guaranteeing anything.

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